Scott Wilding

Scott is a Principal City Planner within TfL’s Transport Strategy and Policy Directorate. Scott has worked in the freight and logistics team at TfL since 2015 and has special responsibility for the Direct Vison Standard (DVS). He has been instrumental in leading TfL’s work in developing the Progressive Safe System (PSS) as well as developing freight policy for London.

Before joining TfL Scott had a long career in Local Government Highways Engineering and lives in North-East London where he is also a Magistrate.

My Sessions at Traffex

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Panel: Exploring the Relationship between Road Deaths and Larger Vehicles

11:15 - 11:55
  • Both buses and trucks serve critically important societal functions.
  • The perils of modal comparison – collision rates vs casualty vs net prevention value? 
  • Reducing exposure to risk, safe driving, incident avoidance, severity reduction during impact, and post-crash response.
  • Discussing the success of TfL's Prince Michael Award-winning schemes in the Direct Vision Standard, Bus Safety Strategy, Vision Zero on London’s Bus Network and Implementing a Safe System Approach.