Iain Knight

In 1995, Iain began his career in vehicle safety with 16 years at TRL and short spells in industry (brake development) and Thatcham Research (Crash & Safety Manager). In 2014 he founded Apollo Vehicle Safety to enjoy life as a freelancer, before excellent customers and an inability to turn down interesting work saw it grow to a 4-person consultancy. His research covers all vehicle types with a particular focus on trucks and buses.

Highlights include 12 years leading the Heavy Vehicle Crash Injury Study, cross-disciplinary studies on the permitted weights and dimensions of vehicles, and contributing to TfLs bus safety standard and HGV safety permit. Vehicle safety systems studied span from foundation brakes, through a variety of collision avoidance technologies and on to assisted and automated vehicles.

He has contributed to the development of several international vehicle regulations and is currently the secretary of the EuroNCAP working group on HGV safety.

My Sessions at Traffex

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Panel: Exploring the Relationship between Road Deaths and Larger Vehicles

11:15 - 11:55
  • Both buses and trucks serve critically important societal functions.
  • The perils of modal comparison – collision rates vs casualty vs net prevention value? 
  • Reducing exposure to risk, safe driving, incident avoidance, severity reduction during impact, and post-crash response.
  • Discussing the success of TfL's Prince Michael Award-winning schemes in the Direct Vision Standard, Bus Safety Strategy, Vision Zero on London’s Bus Network and Implementing a Safe System Approach.