Meir Givon

Meir completed his graduation and masters in Information Systems at the Technon -Technology Institute of Israel. He has also acquired an additional master’s degree in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. His passion for delivering solutions to complex problems helped him to fuel distinctive portfolios at various renowned organizations.

Meir has left a clear trail of innovation, leading the R & D in the field of IT, organizational and engineering software solutions for more than thirty years, twelve years in the Israeli Navy ITC organization. With his constant efforts and dedication for seven years, he also became a partner and leading senior VP at Endan, an IT Solutions software house.

Throughout this journey, Meir was successful in educating hundreds of fine experts, made some exit opportunities while creating great value and helped these organizations to attain profitable outcomes.

Identifying and innovating cutting-edge required solutions to globally spread challenges and requirements encouraged Meir to become the Founder & CEO at GIV Solutions in 2001.

My Sessions at Traffex

Thursday 23 May 2024


Enhancing Road and Worker Safety through Drone-based Inspection and Monitoring

13:10 - 13:30 Maintenance
  • Discussing the use of drones for structural inspections to improve worker safety, eliminating the need to have inspectors work in areas with dangerous traffic, at high altitude or in risky confined spaces.
  • Considering the case study of Netivei Ayalon: a major highway operator in the Tel-Aviv metro area where an inspection was conducted without the need to stop traffic.