Rod King

Rod King set up 20’s Plenty for Us in 2007 in order to assist communities wanting lower speed limits. With a focus on setting 20mph limits for most urban/village roads across a complete local authority, it now has over 700 local campaigns in UK, Ireland, USA, Canada and Australia. 20’s Plenty for Us is a not-for-profit organisation with a small core team, but thousands of local volunteers.

At global level 30km/h is recognised as the best-practice speed limit for streets shared between motors and vulnerable road users.

Rod is recognised for his UK and international work and has spoken at transport, active travel, road safety and public health conferences around the world. Rod has been involved in 20mph discussions with Welsh politicians, NGOs, stakeholders and communities for most of the last decade.

My Sessions at Traffex

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Panel: Putting the Brakes on Speed: Data and Insights from the Rollout of 20mph Speed Limits in Residential Wales

10:30 - 11:10 Traffic Management
  • Background to the setting of 20mph as the default speed limit for urban roads in Wales.
  • A partnership approach to default speed limit change in Wales: discussing the change from policy to practice.
  • Overview of ongoing review into setting exceptions to the default.
  • How connected vehicle data has informed analysis and research of compliance since the new speed limit was implemented.