David Connolly

Dr David Connolly has been forecasting travel demand and its impacts in the UK and Ireland for more than thirty years. He is particularly interested in how we can reduce the greenhouse emissions from road traffic as quickly as possible (which is likely to imply ‘with as little objection from vehicle users as possible’).

He is a car-owning, public transport-using occasional cyclist who enjoys a nice walk. He owns a Battery Electric car and a large non-LEZ-compliant diesel SUV.

My Sessions at Traffex

Thursday 23 May 2024


Panel: How do We Pay for Our Roads Going Forward... Is Mobility Pricing the Answer?

13:50 - 14:40 Funding & Investment
  • There is an emerging belief that mobility pricing will be implemented.
  • However, since it's not for road operators to decide how government raises revenue, it's the responsibility of the industry to make the case for the right interventions.
  • What are these, and what are the technical, political and practical barriers to implementation?
  • Insight from schemes in place across Europe, USA and New Zealand.