Richard Rowe

Richard Rowe is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Sheffield. His research addresses the development of risky and antisocial behaviours in young people with a focus on dangerous driving. Richard’s work has addressed the identification of risky driving behaviours and the construction of interventions to reduce those behaviours. Recent work has addressed development across the early months of driving and the opportunities offered by new technologies to prevent speeding.

My Sessions at Traffex

Thursday 23 May 2024


Panel: How Can We Bring Together Behavioural Change and Innovation to Improve Safety?

12:00 - 12:40 Behaviour Change
  • Behaviour Change Science: the scientific foundation of behaviour change will be highlighted, stressing the importance of applying theories, approaches, and logic models to drive effective road safety interventions.
  • Purposeful Innovation: the need to avoid pursuing innovation solely for the sake of innovation will be underscored.
  • Collaborative Potential: the significant potential in collaborative efforts and knowledge-sharing will be explored as an important component for driving innovation and enhancing road safety outcomes.
  • Scientific Design and Evaluation: the critical role of rigorous scientific design and evaluation in ensuring that interventions lead to the desired behaviour change.
  • Professionalisation of the Sector: the importance of professionalising the road safety sector to ensure behaviour change approaches improve safety.