Michael Dnes

Michael Dnes is head of future roads technology at the UK Department for Transport, with responsibility for how infrastructure and legislation relating to it can be updated to meet modern needs. He has also co-chaired a three year study with the International Transport Forum into preparing infrastructure for automated vehicles.

Before his current role, he led the team writing the second Road Investment Strategy (RIS2), set up the roads functions of ORR and Transport Focus, and was a central part of the team creating what is now National Highways.

Outside of work, he is an occasional transport historian, having written about London’s doomed plans for urban motorways and the challenges of infrastructure delivery.

My Sessions at Traffex

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Roads to Tomorrow

14:30 - 16:00 Traffic Management Coventry Lounge
  • DfT will present an outline of the challenges of bringing technology to the road network, in particular in terms of the human and institutional barriers in place.
  • Participants from a range of backgrounds are invited to share their experiences and perspectives, with a particular emphasis on what barriers they face and what opportunities they have to help others address barriers of their own.
  • As part of that, we invite people to suggest what DfT should have in its ‘top five’ roads technology topics for the next two-three years.


Roads to Tomorrow Workshop