2025 Agenda
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Keynote: Evolution not Revolution, Adapting Winter Service for a Sustainable Future
- Recent winters, weather patterns have shown significant fluctuations, with more frequent and severe extreme weather events.
- To address this, National Highways is enhancing its severe weather and winter strategies, focusing on preparedness, adaptability, flexibility, and readiness to tackle the challenges posed by the evolving environment.
PIARC: Disaster Management
- In an uncertain world, highways are already witnessing severe storms, floods and wildfires.
- Time and again our 200+ UK Highways Authorities step up to the challenge.
- The intensity and scale of extreme weather is now pushing highways to the limit and through UK best practice and global insight we must consider new ideas and fresh insight as to how we must respond to extreme weather.
- John Lamb is the UK representative on to the World Disaster Management Committee of PIARC, and Chair of UK RLG Board for Adaptation, Biodiversity and Climate
Sensor Trials in Scotland
Looking to the Future with the NWSRG
- Assessing the challenge of developing further and creating an evocative proposition for where the sector needs to be.
- The presentation will include the current review of the practical guidance and challenges and opportunities for winter service delivery.
Using AI in Winter Service: To Salt or Not to Salt?
- History of decision-making
- The state of play
- Network-wide modelling using AI
- The case for change
- The future
Revolutionising Road Repairs
- Join us to explore how auger discharge hotbox technology is transforming road maintenance, boosting safety, efficiency, and long-term sustainability.
- From enhanced safety and stability to increased precision and efficiency, superior heat retention to automation and intelligent load management, discover how ongoing innovation in hotbox technology is setting the stage for safer, smarter, and more resilient road networks.
- Don’t miss this session to gain valuable insights into the latest advancements in road maintenance technology, helping you stay ahead of the challenges posed by extreme weather and evolving industry standards.
Climate Resilience Is More Than Winter Maintenance
- Creating a resilient highways service through Weather Response Management.
- Moving Local Highways Authorities beyond just outdated winter maintenance.
- The steps to take and the tools to help Local Authorities.
- What good looks like and how to get there as a sector.
Panel: Cross-boundary Collaboration to Improve Response to Extreme and Varied Weather Events
Carol Valentine Chair National Winter Service Research Group (NWSRG)
Ann Carruthers Director of Environment Leicestershire County Council
Jonathan Munslow Chair of UKRLG Climate Adaptation Sub Board United Kingdom Roads Leadership Group
Shaun Wilson Operations & Highway Maintenance Manager South Gloucestershire Council
Thursday, May 22, 2025
RSTs in the Twilight Zone: When Temperatures Aren’t All That They Seem
- The prediction and subsequent monitoring of road surface temperatures (RSTs) underpins the service that a transport meteorologist provides.
- Weather is the biggest influence on RSTs, with cloud, snow, and wind speeds critical to daily rises and falls of temperature.
- Every so often, RSTs are affected by elements that cannot be predicted (some don’t even originate on Earth).
- This presentation takes a look at the weird and wonderful explanations for when RSTs behave unexpectedly.
Autonomous Gritting – The Game Changer on the Horizon?
- The climate is changing, but so are our vehicles (i.e. increasing electrification and autonomy).
- The management of winter risk will need to evolve appropriately.
- Given these changes, how long is the shelf-life of our existing approaches to winter road maintenance?
- Autonomous gritting will bring an unparalleled level of technological disruption to the sector.
Beyond Freezing: What to Do When Salt Won't Work?
- Solid salt;
- Liquid brines;
- Blends; and
- Alternative de-icers.
Winter R&D Consultancy: Potassium Acetate Review
- Motivation for the project.
- Overview of the consultancy tasks.
- The current plan for the KAc review.
- Additional supporting work.
- Expected outcomes.
Lightning Presentations
Back for another year. The Lightning Presentation format gives exhibiting companies and local authorities and universities the chance to present on innovations in a shorter five-minute format.
It's fast, furious and fun. Proposals should be sent to k.bokhammas@hgluk.com for consideration.
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Keynote: Roads for Today, and Tomorrow
- Improving journeys on our strategic roads.
- Transitioning from RIS2 to RIS3.
- The long view – what will we want from our roads by 2050?
Panel: Expecting the Unexpected: Delivering under the New Spending Review
- With a new fiscal envelope soon to be announced, how can we work collectively to deliver the infrastructure required for a 21st century society?
PIARC: How Road Investment Can Better Support Economic and Social Development
- A summary of the PIARC World Road Association and role of Technical Committee 1.2: the Contribution of Roads to Economic and Social Development.
- Recent research undertaken by Technical Committee 1.2 to assess how road investment in national infrastructure investment policies translate into regional and local delivery plans for economic, social and environmental benefit.
- Key insights and themes from case studies of road investment and impact evaluation in low, middle and high-income countries across the world.
- Next steps for the Technical Committee and for road investment.
How CCS are Supporting Transport Procurement with the New Regulations
- What support there is for the new regulations?
- How we're using those regulations solve common procurement concerns in the transport space.
- And how CCS categories are shifting towards added value?
Scheme Deliver Framework 2
- Scheme Delivery Framework 2 (SDF2) will cover six years of upgrades to the 4,500-mile strategic road network. Procurement is scheduled to start later this year.
- The presentation is an exciting opportunity for existing and new suppliers who may be interested in bidding.
Delivering a Safer Future for Aging Assets
- An overview of work to bring together a cross-sector collaboration to better manage the challenges associated with aging 1960s and 70s assets on the UK’s transport networks.
- This presentation will outline how industry is making the case for future investment, while also tackling issues associated with delivery of renewal work including understanding the scale of workload that may be required in the coming years.
DfT Economic Appraisal for Investing in Local Highways Maintenance
- In 2024, DfT commissioned an evidence review to better understand the benefits of investing in local highways maintenance.
- This presentation will discuss the outcomes, including an overview of the tools and methodologies available for economic appraisal of local highway maintenance, as well as the report's alignment with PIARC Technical Committee 3.3: Making the Case for Investment in Aging Infrastructure.
Integrated Network Management Digtal Twin
Panel: Leveraging Digital Twins For a More Integrated, Efficient and Resilient Transport System
Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Twin Development and Use in Local Government
- Context & Need: Hertfordshire Living Lab’s history highlights local governments' need to improve network resilience and decarbonise transport.
- Local Government Challenges: Issues include poor resilience planning, slow decarbonisation progress, reactive incident management, and gridlocked roads—challenges digital twins could help address with the right support.
- Digital Twin Barriers: Key hurdles include unclear definitions, limited understanding in government, and siloed data, teams, and work cultures.
- Financial Constraints: Local governments face a financial crisis, worsened by rising costs, making digital twin adoption challenging.
Panel: Ensuring Equity among Transport Professionals
- Identifying Barriers: Exploring systemic challenges hindering equity in transport, including gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic, and accessibility issues.
- Exploring Solutions: Showcasing actionable strategies for inclusive recruitment, retention, and advancement, addressing bias and fostering inclusive cultures.
- Driving Change: Inspiring attendees to champion diversity, providing tools to promote equity and build a representative transport workforce.
Panel: Success Stories in Apprenticeships
- Employer perspectives: Discover the benefits and impact of hiring apprentices.
- Future of apprenticeships: Explore evolving trends and opportunities in the sector.
Keynote Panel: How Can We Track Progress en Route to Vision Zero?
- Vision Zero requires robust benchmarking and measurement frameworks.
- Key performance indicators (KPIs) must reflect progress across infrastructure, technology, and behaviour.
- This panel will discuss meaningful benchmarks, addressing diverse contexts, accountability and targeted interventions.
Ross Moorlock Chief Executive Officer Brake - The Road Safety Charity
Suzy Charman Executive Director Road Safety Foundation
Jamie Hassall Executive Director Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS)
Natalie Warr Vision Zero South West Partnership Manager Vision Zero South West Road Safety Partnership
How Data Can Save Lives and Improve Road Safety
- The main source of data on road casualties in Great Britain is the dataset of personal injury collisions reported to police, known as STATS19.
- STATS19's new format revolutionises road safety data collection, enabling more granular analysis and insights.
- This presentation details the implementation of the new format, addressing practical considerations and future opportunities.
Panel: Making the Best Use of Data for Road Safety
- Explore how data insights can identify road safety hotspots and inform targeted interventions.
- Discuss innovative data-driven solutions to reduce collisions and improve road user safety.
- Examine the challenges and opportunities in collecting, sharing, and analyzing road safety data.
Tackling Transport Severance
- Transport infrastructure can unintentionally harm wildlife by fragmenting habitats, creating movement barriers, and increasing light, noise, and water pollution.
- The West of England Combined Authority is adapting highways to reconnect nature, a project discussed in this presentation.
- Research on nature's impacts, effective connectivity infrastructure, and adapting existing structures as wildlife corridors will be explored.
- Policy changes in the region will ensure future highway infrastructure allows for free wildlife movement across the landscape
Panel: Cross-Sector Strategies to Improve Drainage, Prevent Hydroplaning, and Combat Pollution
- This panel explores cross-sector collaboration to improve drainage systems and mitigate flood risks.
- Experts will discuss strategies to prevent hydroplaning and enhance road safety during adverse weather.
- The discussion will also address integrated approaches to combat pollution from highway runoff.
Road Network Operations and ITS for Sustainability – A Perspective From PIARC UK Delegates
- Introduce PIARC TC 2.4 UK delegates, aims and objectives.
- Provide an overview of PIARC TC 2.4 research endeavours, opportunities and programme.
- Provide a perspective of how RNOs and ITS can support achieving global sustainability goals.
Panel: Discussing the Drags and Drivers of the Decarbonisation Journey at Sub-National and Local Authority Level
• Policy Challenges: Examining the complexities of implementing national decarbonisation policies at the local level, including funding constraints, resource limitations, and conflicting priorities.
• Innovation Barriers: Identifying and overcoming obstacles to innovation, such as regulatory hurdles, lack of access to data and technology, and resistance to change.
• Local Leadership & Collaboration: Highlighting successful examples of local authority leadership in driving decarbonisation initiatives, including partnerships with businesses, academia, and the community.
• The Road Ahead: Discussing the challenges and opportunities facing local authorities in the coming years, including the need for long-term planning, investment in infrastructure, and the development of resilient and equitable local road networks.
Keynote: Navigating the Complexities of EV Infrastructure Funding and Delivery
- Experiences to date at Cambridge City Council.
Panel: Leveraging AI in EV Infrastructure Deployment and Management
- Exploring the role of AI in optimising location planning, bay management, occupancy tracking, and equipment testing for durability.
Case Study: Successful Rural EV Charging Deployment
- Exploring the challenges and triumphs of establishing a viable electric vehicle (EV) charging network in a rural setting.
- Moving beyond the well-documented urban focus, we delve into a real-world project that successfully navigated the unique obstacles presented by sparsely populated areas. This case study will examine the project from inception to operation.
Panel: The Inclusive EV Transition
- Examining strategies for equitable access to EV charging infrastructure across rural, periurban, urban, and disadvantaged areas.
Drags vs Drivers: The Growth Picture for EV and Associated Infrastructure
- Debating the factors that are either hindering ("drags") or accelerating ("drivers") the growth and development of the EV market and its supporting infrastructure.
Thursday, May 22, 2025
Panel: Integrated Transport Strategies: How Can ITS Help Join the Dots?
- Current Landscape: Examining integrated transport challenges and opportunities, focusing on ITS's role in seamless, multimodal journeys, and collaborative planning.
- ITS Solutions: Exploring practical ITS applications, showcasing case studies and innovative solutions for data sharing, real-time information, and traffic management.
- Future-Proofing: Addressing the long-term vision for integrated transport and how ITS facilitates sustainable, efficient, and accessible mobility.
Drone Ready Cities
- Detailing a roadmap to a "Regulatory Framework for Commercial Drones in Urban Environments".
Harnessing Innovation for Better Mobility
- Harnessing AI and data to address the challenges in Cambridge.
- Examples of innovative projects – automated vehicle deployments, data and use of AI signals and crossings.
- Highlighting the approach to innovation and scaling challenges.
Surrey’s Journey to Automate Pothole Detection using AI
- Outline of Surrey’s four-year journey to automate identification of potholes.
- Practical considerations.
- Benefits.
- Next steps.
Strategies to Support Connectivity in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- How the Combined Authority are using strategies (Local Transport and Connectivity Plan and Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Strategy) to connect residents in rural/semi-rural areas to larger urban areas.
- The role of the Design Review Panel and the Active Travel Specialist Advisory Board, with examples of infrastructure.
Energising Active Travel Near the Strategic Road Network
Data-Driven Bus Network Optimisation
- How Lancashire County Council is leveraging Alchera Bus's data analytics platform to transform their approach to bus network investments.
- We'll explore how the council uses evidence-based metrics to prioritise resource allocation and develop high-impact business cases for network improvements.
- The discussion will highlight Lancashire's innovative use of continuous monitoring and evaluation to optimise service reliability and boost ridership.
- How data-driven decision-making can enhance public transport efficiency and passenger experience.
- Insights for transport authorities seeking to maximise the impact of their bus network investments through strategic use of data analytics.
Risk Management for Digitalisation and Innovation
- Digital Transformation: Construction and traffic management are being revolutionised by digitalisation, offering increased efficiency and safety, but also posing cybersecurity risks and integration and operational challenges.
- Project Success: Balancing realistic expectations, timelines, and budgets is crucial for successful project execution, especially in complex environments.
- Proactive Risk Management: Identifying and addressing risks early enables confident innovation and drives long-term success in projects and operations.
Fireside Chat: Local Authority Experience of the Private beta Stage for Digital-TROs
Small, Sustainable and Safe?: Micromobility through a Safety Lens
- Delving into the complex safety landscape surrounding e-scooters, e-bikes, and other emerging micromobility modes.
- The session will examine current safety data, exploring collision statistics, rider behaviour, and infrastructure challenges.
- What are best practices for regulation, infrastructure design, and user education? With the aim being to to maximize the benefits of micromobility while minimizing risks.
The Case For a Road Safety Investigation Branch
- The UK government promised a Road Safety Investigation Branch in 2022, but it has not materialised.
- International examples show such bodies are key to preventing crashes.
- The RAC Foundation's Road Collision Investigation Project (2018-22) showed the need for a national approach, while PACTS' work highlights opportunities for better national coordination and deeper investigations.
- Without the branch, the UK risks missing chances to learn, improve, and save lives.
Panel: Embedding the Safe System Approach from Individual to National Level
Working Across the Supply Chain to Unleash Innovation on the Road to Net Zero
- Asphalt manufacturing and its impact on our planet.
- Carbon reduction methods available.
- Logistics and challenges in transportation and handling.
- The key players and decision makers.
- Circularity and innovation.
- Scalability challenges of carbon reduction and removal solutions.
What Next for Noise Cameras?
- An overview of the policy environment for noise enforcement – where we are now and how we got here.
- ITS UK’s new report, setting out three key recommendations for how Government can support noise enforcement.
- An update on where public support is for noise enforcement.
From Passenger to Professional: Enhancing Safety for Women in Transport
- Examines the unique safety challenges faced by women in transport professions (e.g., drivers, operators, maintenance staff).
- Explores strategies and best practices to improve safety and security for women working and using different forms of road transport.
- Discusses policy recommendations and industry actions needed to foster a more inclusive and secure environment for women in the transport sector.
Launchpad Lightning Presentations and Awards
Up to eight businesses will be selected to receive a free stand in the launchpad area at Traffex, with automatic entry into the 2025 Launchpad Lightning Presentations and Awards
As part of the Lightning Presentations, each company will deliver a five-minute presentation, it's fast, furious and fun
Guests and judges will be asked to judge the best presentation, with prizes including a free exhibition stand at Traffex 2025.
Overcoming the Challenges of Implementing Cross-Pavement Gullies at Local Authority Level
What Makes a Truly Accessible Car Park/EV Charge Point and Why does it Matter?
- Accessibility and Inclusivity in Parking Management - Park Access EV
To PAS1899 or Not to PAS1899
- What does PAS1899 mean to the Parking Industry?
- PAS1899 in Action.
- Recommendations.
Panel: Standardising the Electric Future
- The importance of APDS (Automated Payment Data Service) and OCPI (Open Charge Point Interface) standards.
- Challenges and opportunities in standards integration.
- Discussing the ongoing development and evolution of APDS and OCPI, and how these standards can adapt to the evolving needs of the EV market, including advancements in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies and smart charging solutions.
- Analysing how standardized solutions can enhance user experience, increase consumer confidence, and accelerate the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
Commercial Fleet Electrification: Challenges and Opportunities
- This panel discussion will delve into the key challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning fleets to electric vehicles.
- We will explore strategies for electrifying logistics and fleets, addressing critical issues such as infrastructure, charging solutions, and costs.
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Keynote: Navigating the Complexities of EV Infrastructure Funding and Delivery
Panel: Leveraging AI in EV Infrastructure Deployment and Management
- Exploring the role of AI in optimising location planning, bay management, occupancy tracking, and equipment testing for durability.
Case Study: Successful Rural EV Charging Deployment
- Exploring the challenges and triumphs of establishing a viable electric vehicle (EV) charging network in a rural setting.
- Moving beyond the well-documented urban focus, we delve into a real-world project that successfully navigated the unique obstacles presented by sparsely populated areas. This case study will examine the project from inception to operation.
Panel: The Inclusive EV Transition
- Examining strategies for equitable access to EV charging infrastructure across rural, periurban, urban, and disadvantaged areas.
Drags vs Drivers: The Growth Picture for EV and Associated Infrastructure
- Debating the factors that are either hindering ("drags") or accelerating ("drivers") the growth and development of the EV market and its supporting infrastructure.
Event Partner Presentation
Panel: How Does the Parking Sector Support an Integrated National Transport Strategy (INTS)?
Learning Lab 1: Parking Structures - Futureproofing and maintaining your parking facility
- This Workshop will provide key takeaways for owners and operators of car park facilities including best practice and operational guidance to manage key operational areas.
Learning Lab 2: Protection of Frontline Officers
- A workshop for employees and organisations that employ frontline staff providing an opportunity to share and gain practical advice and knowledge to help safeguard staff who work in public facing roles.
- Bringing together existing good practice and new sector wide insights that can help employees inform and develop processes to support and protect staff from incidents of violence or abuse.
Public Private Think Tank
Exploring how we can deliver a parking and customer experience that’s fit for the future.
Key themes in this session include:
- Cyber Security – protecting customers against fraud
- Digitizing and standardizing Traffic Regulation Orders
- The future of car parks, accessibility, and the customer experience
- EV charging infrastructure and procurement
- The power of open data
- Responsible uses of AI
BPA Parkex Awards and Social
Thursday, May 22, 2025
Welcome from BPA Vice President
The Private Parking Code & Associated Framework
- An update on the current situation regarding implementation of the Government's new single code of practice and associated framework.
- Hear from sector leading experts and practitioners about the expected timeline and impact of the new code and the support currently being provided by the BPA.
John Heasman Innovation Awards - Meet the Winners
BPA Women in Parking: Delivering the BPA EDI Charter
- This session will provide an opportunity for member of the Women in Parking community to network and share knowledge and experiences with like minded professionals as well as discussing future development opportunities.
Overcoming the Challenges of Implementing Cross-Pavement Gullies at Local Authority Level
What Makes a Truly Accessible Car Park/EV Charge Point and Why does it Matter?
- Exploring accessibility and inclusivity in Parking and EV Management through Park Access EV.
To PAS1899 or Not to PAS1899
- What does PAS1899 mean to the Parking Industry?
- PAS1899 in Action.
- Recommendations.
Panel: Standardising the Electric Future
- The importance of APDS (Automated Payment Data Service) and OCPI (Open Charge Point Interface) standards.
- Challenges and opportunities in standards integration.
- Discussing the ongoing development and evolution of APDS and OCPI, and how these standards can adapt to the evolving needs of the EV market, including advancements in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies and smart charging solutions.
- Analysing how standardized solutions can enhance user experience, increase consumer confidence, and accelerate the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
Commercial Fleet Electrification: Challenges and Opportunities
- This panel discussion will delve into the key challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning fleets to electric vehicles.
- We will explore strategies for electrifying logistics and fleets, addressing critical issues such as infrastructure, charging solutions, and costs.